Réinventer Paris, 2024 wooden Olympic villages, restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris, Inventons la Métropole du Grand Paris …
In 2020, the wooden architecture is coming to Paris, in the Grand Palais!
Building tomorrow’s world with wood
A 3-day Forum with about a hundred conferences and more than 2,000 specialists from all over the world. For its 10th edition, the FBC 2020 will exceptionally be open to the general public: various exhibitions on French forest, the timber industry, the techniques and know-how of the professionals, temporary wooden construction that can be disassembled and reused underneath Europe’s largest nave. A showcase to demonstrate that wood is THE building material of the 21st century.
Construction facing the imperative of carbon neutrality
Wood is for now
For its 10th edition, amid this crucial year 2020, the International Wood Construction Forum will be held at the Grand Palais to carry the message of bio-based architecture in the heart of the metropole area in the heart of the French capital. The colossal development of the bio-based construction is essential to achieve the set European goal of carbon neutrality and as the best solution to adapt the built and the city to the consequences of the climate shock. Finally, bio-based construction and neutrality in carbon constitutes a source of creativity and local activity.
This revolution in constructing won’t be in opposition with the tissue and building practices, but more in reinforcing synergies.
Under the huge nave in metal and glass of a mineral Grand Palais, supported by an oak forest, the Forum put its tenth edition under the sign of constructive fraternity.
Let us work together towards an ecological and united transition with wood!
See you at the Grand Palais in Paris on July 15th, 16th and 17th, 2020!
Booklet exhibitor / sponsors FBC 2020